If you ever encounter someone with infertility, please do me one thing. If they are not talking about surrogacy, please don't offer up your uterus. I can recall someone doing this shortly after we started realizing we might have issues with trying to conceive. First off, we haven't even exhausted all the fertility options, so why would you think that we would even be close to that step? Secondly, my uterus is just fine, thanks! Finally, if I'm going to cough up all the money to do IVF, I'm going to put it in my own body, not yours! It is so funny to think that people can be so ignorant as to offer this, yet they don't have the courtesy to listen to you explain the disorder. If they were listening, they would know that surrogacy is probably not the best option. Furthermore, what makes you think you're worthy of carrying my kid for nine months?
There are days when I just want to smack people in the head and ask if they think before they speak. I know it sounds mean, but there are just certain things you don't say. So for all of you reading this, if someone is facing infertility, the last thing she wants to hear is that you're willing to put your uterus on loan. If she comes to you at a later time speaking specifically about surrogacy, then pipe up. Until then, thanks.... but no thanks!