So many people have done it before. We make a list of things we wouldn't do when we become parents using our parents, family, and friends as examples of what we should and shouldn't do. Well, here's my what-not list for pregnancy. No judgment to anyone who doesn't follow this list because many won't cherish the symptoms everyone else dreads. And who knows, maybe once I get knocked up, I'll throw this list out the window. But.... until then, here's my will-not list for my baby bump days.
1. I will not smoke or drink. It's a pretty common will-not, but you'd be surprised!
2. I will not blast my pregnancy on public networking sites. One announcement and a couple occasional updates is more than enough. Behind all the oohs and ahhs is at least one person facing infertility.
3. I will not complain about my baby kicking me. Yes, I know it hurts. But by golly, I am desperate to feel that pain. Again, this is where I put into place my reasoning that not everyone has to follow my list.
I know there are plenty more on my list, but those are all secret will-nots nobody needs to know about. It's the things that only those who struggle to get pregnant would really understand. Until then, I sit here and daydream of the day I get to put my list into use.
I love number two! There is nothing I hate more than seeing "baby baby blah blah" for 8 status updates in a row. I also hate people who make it a point to let everyone know they are pregnant in public. We get it!