Saturday, May 14, 2011

Charts not Chance

Sometimes I feel like I've been cheated out of the fun experience of getting pregnant. You know, the part where you get to just have sex all the time and hope you get knocked up? Instead of hoping that we time it right, my doctor has me temping. Temping means that every morning at the same time you take your temperature. You can't get out of bed or anything... it has to be immediately to get your temperature at your nocturnal state. This isn't all that bad minus having to get up early every morning just so I can take my temperature. The cruddy part is that I can't just enjoy ignorance and have sex whenever. Instead, I monitor my temperatures and use ovulation strips to watch for a surge in the ovulation hormone. 

And this is where the charts take over chance. At one point I said forget it to  charting because it was taking the fun out of the process. Now my doctor is insisting I do it in order to verify ovulation. If you are interesting in taking a peak at my chart, I have a link below. I guess it's not all that bad to know exactly when you can catch an egg, but I am certainly realizing there is some major truth to the saying that ignorance is bliss. 


  1. I can totally see how charting things can take the fun out of it...
    What if you make another chart to chart good things? It doesn't have to be getting-pregnant related (but can be)... so that when you have to chart your BMT, you can chart something else, too... like how often you dream about animals, or people, or colors or food... something simple and silly and fun that will take the monotony out of it.

  2. That's a fun idea Tracie. :-) I will have to try that next cycle, if we have one that is!
