Yep, you guessed it. That's how many cysts I have. That poor ultrasound tech was counting for what felt like forever. I hate the idea that my ovaries suck so bad that they have so many cysts on them. Then I think, um no wonder they weren't working right! I asked her if they were residual from the last time, and she said some were but many were new. I kidded with her and the research coordinator that I should really start playing the lotto or getting a prize for how many I have. You can tell they try to laugh with me, but really the humor is just a mask for my disappointment.
I was able to start the study medication this weekend, and let's just say I feel like a menopausal woman PMSing! On top of still having that darn ear infection, I am blessed with some major symptoms. I get to write it all down on the research form which has been a struggle in differentiating between the medication symptoms and ear infection, but some things I've experienced *TMI* include diarrhea, headache, mood swings, and extreme emotions. The best way I can describe it for the last one is that I feel like crying all day. Literally, no reason or triggers- just want to cry it out all day long. I wonder how much water weight I am losing when I cry so much? ;-) No matter how much this sucks, I have to keep my eyes on the prize. I mean it is making my poly-cystic dysfunctional ovaries do what they're supposed to, so it's worth it!
I know what you mean. the Study meds are a roller coaster!