Saturday, November 5, 2011

True Words

Every time I start writing a post I literally type out a few sentences and backspace. It usually takes me at least five tries before I settle with something. What I've noticed is that 9 times out of 10 it is because I am afraid of some kind of judgment in what I am writing. What started out as a genuine blog about a person trying to have a baby with PCOS is now being hindered by my fear of what others may feel. I want this blog to be completely genuine and showing the true misadventures of what it is like to face PCOS when you want a baby so desperately. Thus, I refuse to hold back my feelings any more. If someone is offended by my words or what I have to say, then so be it- Don't read it! This is the one place I can truly explain what it feels like to be infertile, and I have to let my true expressions out. Take it for what it is. If I feel bitter that day- I'm saying it. If I feel hopeful that day- I'm letting it out. If I just want to rant about whatever this misadventure has served up for me that day- I guess that's okay too. The point is- if you won't like what I have to say- please, I won't be offended- take a hike.

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