Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 20

Day 20 - Discuss how you found your way into the ALI (adoption/loss/infertility) community, and what being part of it has meant to you – good and bad.

I’m not really a part of the actual ALI community which is basically a ginormous blog list of everyone who has blogs about adoption/loss/infertility. I have browsed it, but I don’t have the courage to list my own blog on the list. However, the general idea of writing about infertility still meshes with the concept of the ALI community. Nonetheless, I started writing my infertility struggles when I was coming up on a year of trying without even ovulating. It was a tough road, and I had to figure out how I was going to deal with it. I knew that I had to get my feelings out somehow, or I might have an emotional melt down. It has been a blessing to be able to blog out my feelings as I face this misadventure. I pray that one day I will graduate from the ALI concept and have a blog about motherhood.

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