Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 22

Day 22 - What was the first baby or pregnancy-related purchase you ever made? Was it before or after you started trying to conceive? Or was it after you were already pregnant? Why did you choose that particular item to buy first? If you haven’t purchased anything yet, why not?

I went over a year without buying anything baby related. My husband told me don’t buy anything because it will jinx us. Over the summer, I found a Tigers shirt that I fell in love with. We are big sports people, so we hope to dress our little one in sports gear right away. It was on clearance, and I just had to buy it. I contemplated having my sister store it with some other items she has been keeping for us pretending it was from her, but I had to be honest with my husband. I told him, and he just laughed. I doubt at this point buying a shirt will jinx anything. Right now, that is the only baby item we have. I used to have a rocking chair all set up in the spare bedroom, but it was too much on my heart. I have that shirt tucked away in the spare bedroom closet out of sight, and until I get pregnant and hit my second trimester, I likely will keep it that way. I can't manage the heart break of buying all those things only to have the constant reminder of what I don't have. Simply having a spare bedroom is enough agony as it is, and I know if we had the awful experience of losing our baby, it would be even more excruciatingly painful to see all those items around.

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