Thursday, January 12, 2012

You Know You've Been Trying for Too Long....

-When you start saying if I get pregnant instead of when. 

-When your husband calls sex baby making even in not fertile times. 

-When your husband refers to waiting a few seconds to get up after said baby making as topping off the gas tank.

-When you choose to hang out with women who are past menopause or have their tubes tied because you don’t fear the unexpected pregnancy announcements. 

-When you avoid weddings because you worry they'll have a baby shower before you. 

-When you not only decline invitations to baby showers, but you also make homemade gifts to send along with someone else because you can’t handle going into the baby section of the store.

-When your Pre-seed and thermometer take the place next to your bed that used to be for KY and condoms.

-When you are constantly grabbing your boobs hoping they might be more tender than last cycle.

-When you have no idea what the calendar day is, but you can easily identify what cycle day you’re on. 

-When you stop taking pregnancy tests because you know they’ll never be positive anyway. 

-When you know three days before your period shows that she’s on her way because your temperature keeps dropping. 

-When you purposely stop taking your diuretic pill during ovulation time because you don’t want it to dilute your ovulation test results. 

-When you’re desperate to get a pet of some kind to temporarily fill that void.

-When you stopped looking at baby gear and nursery items because you know it will be discontinued and clearanced out before you ever get a chance to buy it.

-When you save up for a house and think we could spend this money on making a baby and just live in an apartment forever. 

-When people ask you if you’re pregnant yet, and you want desperately to reply with no, but thanks for reminding me of how fat I’ve gotten. 

-When you get jealous of someone who is on their period because at least they ovulated. 

-When things are meant to be funny about trying to have a baby, but your depressing length of trying takes any humor out of the process you might have once had.

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