A little heads up that this is a long one! As for my update - Well, it's been awhile since I've actually updated on my current situation. I was on my fourth round of the trial medications. Of the first three, I ovulated on the first and third. However, this fourth time, I again did not ovulate. I had my appointment today which came just in time after some weird bleeding this week. Turns out I have a cyst (not the regular PCOS cyst) on my one ovary. The cyst is thankfully just under the size that would force us to stop treatments. It is still undetermined whether the bleeding and cyst were connected, and there's no way to know for sure what caused it. As of right now, the bleeding is just spotting.
For the regular follicle/cyst count, it was 28 and 18. This is a huge difference from the 80 and 55 on my first appointment! The doctor also found a fibroid on my uterus, but he said that the position of it should not impact my fertility. My progesterone level was a 0.5 (it needs to be above 3.0 in order to confirm ovulation), so it was very clear I didn't ovulate. My lining was only a 4 mm (it was around 9mm on my ovulatory cycles) which meant I didn't need to start my period again in order to do my final round of medications.
Which leads me to the current situation. We are to start my triple dose of medications tomorrow as long as my beta pregnancy test comes back negative. There is some positive to all this. I am super glad we have one last round since I didn't know if we would get another shot. We are edging closer to the end of the trial with no new recruits being accepted. I am hopeful that the increased dose will help my ovaries cooperate! I got to talk to my doctor who is super awesome and answered all my questions. He assured me that if we don't get pregnant this cycle he will talk it over with me to let me know my options. Finally, I had the real numbers for this trial told to me. There are some numbers being tossed around on the internet for the success rate of this trial. From what my doctor has said, the results have been about 44% of the trial participants getting pregnant. In the words of the movie 50/50, if I was a casino game, I'd have the best odds. Might not be 50/50, but it's high enough to make me feel a little more confident in the possibilities.
While I know this last shot may not result in pregnancy or ovulation for that matter, I have to remain confident that we are doing everything we can with what we have right now. I had a break down last night wondering why I'm doing this, but after some good talks with my husband and Mama J, I'm certain we are on the path to our baby even if it doesn't feel like it right now. Oh, and one last update... I am down even more weight! Based on my file at the trial, I am down 3 pounds since my last appointment 3 weeks ago and 17 pounds since my baseline appointment at the start of the trial. My blood pressure was down to 123/70 compared to my 138/87 my first appointment. Let's just say, my weight loss has probably done a lot for me in more ways than helping me ovulate.
Day 28 - What do you use the “nursery” for right now?
It is meant to be a spare bedroom, but right now we mostly use it as storage. My husband has a bunch of boxes with stuff we pulled from his parents’ storage all piled up in there. I have a dresser full of crafting items and a bookcase filled with school books. We have a futon, but we still haven’t managed to get it set up in there for people to sleep in there. When my nephews come up, that is their room, and they will tell you. We set up the futon mattress and the tv from our bedroom. It's so cute when I hear, "Aunt Kim... come in my room with me." :-)
Our's is a "jam" room for my husband when he practices music with his friends.