Friday, March 30, 2012

It's Time

Well, I have been missing from my blog, and I promise it has not been my intentions. I have just been super sick lately, and I just have had absolutely no energy to get on here and type up a blog. Alas, the reason for this sickness is one that I take with great pride. To all you infertiles reading this, I hope this gives you hope. I know how hard it is to read pregnancy announcements, so I understand if you run the other way when you read this. My husband and I have been double blessed with two miracles on the way. We are nine weeks pregnant with twins. It was our last shot at the trial, and we were so shocked to learn we got pregnant. You can imagine our amazement when we found out we managed to catch two eggs. Now that it has been made official with family, I feel it is okay to announce it on here.

When I first started this blog, I always dreamed of the day it would turn into a pregnancy blog. Now, I think about it, and that's not what I want at all. I know there will be some pregnancy posts, but this is still a misadventure of PCOS. I still face this battle every day. I am incredibly high risk for so many things because of PCOS. I already failed my one hour glucose test at 8 weeks along. With PCOS and two placentas, I'm bound to have gestational diabetes. Every day the battle with PCOS plagues me with fear. I'm so excited cherishing every moment, but as every infertile knows, that fear never goes away. 

Ultimately, I will try to remain PCOS focused. I know how hard it is to come onto the blog and read about pregnancy every day when it is exactly what you don't want to read about. I get it, and I won't do that to my readers. I pray every day my fellow infertiles will be blessed with babies, and I hope you all know that!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Infertile & Fertile Friendship

Just a little note... I do realize I have been neglecting my blog, and to any readers who might be out there, I apologize. I have been terribly sick lately, and I've been struggling to get even my homework done. Anyway, I have been pondering this next blog post the last few weeks, and now that I'm feeling a little better, I thought it would be a great opportunity. 

So here we go... how can a fertile be an infertile's friend? 

1. Do ask her to hang out still. Even if she is hesitant and standoffish, I guarantee she will appreciate the offer. There are times when infertiles want to crawl in a hole and hide from every fertile in the world, but that doesn't mean she wants you to stop caring or trying. One day she will return the favor and be active in asking to hang out too.

2. Do ask her about her fertility woes. Just like any fertile would love to talk about their pregnancy or kids, an infertile (out of the closet that is) will likely love the opportunity to ramble about their treatments, feelings, etc.

3. Be sensitive in announcing your new pregnancy. Text or email is probably the best way to go... she likely isn't going to want to be on the phone or in person when she has herself a good cry.  Let her come to terms with the news and know that just because she might not be happy with you, she is more than likely happy for you.

4. Don't discount her for fun activities like trips to the zoo or baby showers. Yes, those trips and events can be a tough experience, but not being invited hurts even more. 

5. Don't expect her to be ready for the fertile world when she finally beats infertility. Being an infertile is not something that goes away with a positive pregnancy test. Chances are she will still be a nervous wreck and terrified something can go wrong at any moment. Respect her inhibitions and be there for her.