Saturday, December 31, 2011

Day 16

Day 16 - How did you and your partner decide when you were ready to start trying to conceive?

When we first started dating, we knew we wanted to have children despite the fact that it would be a difficult process. We established that we did not want to have a child out of wedlock because we are the traditional type. We did everything in our power not to get pregnant (pointless as I see now how easy it is for us to never get pregnant). However, we decided that since it would be a tough road, we’d try right away when we got married. Although I expected it to take a little longer, I never thought I’d be where I am today. Thank goodness we decided to start right away and were open about the possibilities. 

I asked my husband the other day when he thought we would have started trying had we not known it might be a struggle. He said we probably would have waited after a year of marriage. If I think in terms of when we really would have wanted to start (not expecting any issues), we are still within a good range. I'm just praying we get our 2012 pregnancy. We don't have to have the baby in 2012 since time is running out for that, but I'd love to finally see those two pink lines and a beating heart on the screen by this time next year. Sorry I went on a tangent, but being NYE, I thought I'd throw that in there. ;-)

Friday, December 30, 2011

Day 15

Day 15 - Show your favorite outfit or fashion pieces.

Well I don't have any good pictures of it... but my favorite outfit is simple just like me. I am a jeans and tee shirt kind of girl. If I can get away with dressing down, I will. My husband has seen me wear a dress twice- our wedding shower and our wedding day. That's probably going to stay true as long as it is still possible. :-)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Day 14

Day 14 - Put your iPad on shuffle. List the first 10 songs that play.

Well… sorry about the delay in posts! I've been super busy with the holidays, and spending time with my nephew. It is so fun to watch my husband interact and bond with him. Every time I see them hug or just play with cars together, I am reminded of how worth this process will be. 

As for the question of the day, I don’t have an Ipad or Ipod. I do have an MP3 player, but it only has Mariah Carey, Kelly Clarkson, Beyonce, and my self-hypnosis track on it. I doubt that would be a valid display of all the music I enjoy. I like just about every type of music except really heavy metal or derogatory rap.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

When I was about 10, my sisters and I made a dance to this song for my grandparents at our Christmas gathering. Today, while it still reminds me of that day when I brought tears to my grandfather's eyes, I have tears of my own thinking how truly real this song is to me. Those lyrics are my thoughts while I face this holiday season. I refuse to be a Scrooge in all ways, but in all reality, all I want for Christmas is you, Baby! I love you little one, and I can't wait to be blessed with you as our wonderful miracle one day! I will not lose hope because one day I will get the ultimate gift of bringing a new life into this world.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Day 13

Day 13 - List 5 guilty pleasures.

1. Grey’s Anatomy & Private Practice
2. Teen Mom (yes, even us infertiles get wrapped up in baby mama drama on reality tv)
3. Sweets… candy, cookies, ice cream… yum!
4. Cuddling up to my husband after he’s already fallen asleep.
5. Spoiling my niece and nephews rotten, living vicariously through them.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Day 12

Day 12 - List 5 pet peeves.

1. When people who don't understand infertility try to tell me how to get pregnant. I promise, it's not that easy when you have your ovaries working against you.
2. When people insist on driving in the left lane going slower than the speed limit. It is meant for passing people not pissing people off.
3. Leaving cupboard doors and drawers open. You opened them... now shut them, please.
4. Smoking in apartments… those vents really do go to other apartments. Take it outside please, and while you're at it, make sure your cigarette butts make it in an ash tray and not at the other person's balcony or window.
5. People who don’t appreciate the precious gifts they have in life. Try and remember that children are miracles who should never be taken for granted.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Day 11

Day 11 - If you could have 3 wishes, what would they be?

1. Ovulate
2. Catch the egg
3. Have a healthy baby

Kind of cheating, but it’s true. I have a very satisfying life, and right now, the only thing missing is the baby.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Days Like This...

Are so tough. The holidays are fast approaching, and I feel so lonely. I have family and friends all around me, yet I feel like I'm standing here alone. I had heard the saying about feeling alone in a crowded room, and until this holiday season, I never truly knew that feeling. I decided to be in a good mood, turn on some Christmas jams, and make some fleece blankets. Every song made my heart ache for my baby. Every lyric some how connected to my lonely aching heart when they are intended for happiness. All I want for Christmas is you, Baby! I pray so often that this will be my last Christmas with this lonely ole heart of mine. 

I love my husband more than life itself, but I feel like this year, me and my ovaries are keeping him from having a truly happy holiday. I asked my husband what he wanted for Christmas. He said, "Nothing... well, one thing, and we're working on that one." All my husband and I want for Christmas is that miracle in life that so many take for granted. Gosh, I wish there was a way Santa was true, and he decided to be a stork this year. I wish there was a way for me to feel like life wasn't so unfair. I wish I could be celebrating this holiday with that third person. This is only our second year without our little one here, and already, I feel like life is just so unfair. I can't imagine how anyone can do this for years and years.

I know that this is supposed to be one of my 30 day challenge posts, but I felt it necessary to get this out. This is my outlet, and while the challenge keeps me busy, it certainly doesn't fill this void in my heart. Tomorrow I'm sure will be my next scheduled challenge post, but today, I needed this. I needed to let these feelings out. I needed to be okay with this emptiness and find that hope that one day Christmas will be a bustling holiday with children of our own.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day 10

Day 10 - What is your favorite book?

As far as novels, I go back and forth between James Patterson and V.C. Andrews. I love any James Patterson book because it keeps me guessing the whole time. I like to read V.C. Andrews novels because she makes just about any person and their life look normal compared to her character. I also like the PCOS and Your Fertility because it helped me understand how my body works and how it impacts my fertility.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Day 9

Day 9 - List 5 things you want to do before you die.
1. Be a mommy to a miracle of life on Earth.
2. Maintain a job in the field I love.
3. Go to a foreign country.
4. Meet someone famous.
5. Be able to say I’ve done everything I could with what I had.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Wow... Day 8 & 100th Post!

Day 8 - Describe your dream vacation.
Hmmm… my absolute dream vacation is to go to Germany. A majority of my ancestors are from there, and I’d love to experience where my family is from. I would also love to see my friend who lives there. Of course, while I’m there, I’d have lots of good eats and do major sight-seeing. 

I can't believe I am already on my 100th post! It feels like just yesterday that I started documenting my experience, and already, it is has been 8 months. It's kind of bitter sweet, but I'm excited I can share these moments. One day this journal will be something I can look back on, and I can remember why I tried for so long when I look at my child. 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Day 7

Day 7 - Where do you like to shop?

I like to grocery shop at the local fruit and meat market and Meijer, and I clothes shop at Deb, Target, & Kohl’s. Hobby Lobby is where I go for all my crafting goodies. My latest hobby has been the fleece blankets, so I love to clearance shop the fleece remnants to make fleece quilts.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day 6

Day 6- A picture of something that makes you happy.


Whenever I look at photos from our wedding, I am reminded of just how blessed I am to have such an amazing husband. He is there for me through it all, and he makes me incredibly happy. I cannot even begin to express how thankful I am for him.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Day 5

List 15 facts about yourself.

1. I am a wife to an amazing husband.
2. I have PCOS.
3. I have been trying to have a baby with my husband since we got married in May 2010.
4. I am currently in a clinical trial to hopefully get pregnant.
5. I have a super supportive family in everything I do.
6. I am shy at first, but a big chatter box once I open up.
7. I take pride in my grades being on the President’s list a majority of the semesters in school.
8. I have a weakness for chocolate and cookies.
9. I enjoy spending nights curled up with my husband watching tv.
10. I love being an aunt!
11. I can’t wait to buy a house.
12. I am an emotional person, so I take a lot of things to heart.
13. I hate clothes shopping, but I’ll go shopping for tennis shoes or crafts any day.
14. I am a simple girl… meat & potatoes, jeans & tee kind of gal.
15. I am me! :-)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Day 4

Day 4 - If you won the lottery what would you blow your money on (after charity and bills, of course) list 10 material possessions you would buy for yourself.

1. IVF (not really material, but it would be my top wish list item!)
2. House in my current city- preferably a big one, so family can visit a lot.
3. New Car for me- the coolest minivan they make of course!
4. New Car for my husband to drive me around in- the coolest sports car!
5. Vacation home in the middle of the woods where no one can find us.
6. Vacation home in Hawaii.
7. Vacation home in Germany.
8. A ginormous diamond ring.
9. Season tickets to all the Detroit teams.
10. All the most expensive baby stuff on the market.

It took me awhile to figure out what would go on my list. I started working on this a few days ago, and I couldn’t get past #3. I am often so wrapped up in this baby making business that I forget to know what it feels like to dream for anything else in life.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 3 & Good News

Day 3 - What's in your makeup bag?
Funny story behind that- I went to put on makeup a couple weeks ago, and I realized I don’t own any makeup anymore. I currently have one thing of eye shadow- that’s it! I am not much of a makeup person, but I was shocked I really didn’t have any makeup just in case. I keep thinking I'll buy makeup, but I really don't feel comfortable in it. I'm me... makeup free and happy with that. :-)

As for the good news... I am down 17.6 pounds since my peak weight at the end of April, and 14.2 of those pounds are lost since I revved up my efforts in November. I am elated that I am getting closer to my goal weight. I cannot express how exciting it is to finally see some results on the scale. I am really trying to make it a lifestyle change. So many times I've lost weight and put it all right back on. Of course, I love seeing the numbers go down, but I love even more that I am becoming a healthier me. I am doing it the best way I know- portion control. If I want a cookie, I will eat a cookie. However, I'm going to eat one or two cookies, not the entire package. Allowing myself those goodies while remaining responsible is a way to really get things under wraps for me. I have a goal weight that I want by my birthday at the end of June, and given my rate, I'm thinking it will be an attainable goal. I feel like if I continue it this way as a lifestyle change rather than a diet, I'll be much more successful. Here's to hoping this weight loss train will help me board the baby train!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Day 2 & Video

I'll start off with my Day 2 of my 30 Day Challenge. 

Day 2 - What's in your handbag?
Well, just about everything! This inspired me to clean out my purse. Some things I found were an old printer cartridge (I needed to know what kind to buy), a bag of coupons, eye drops, a bunch of receipts, our GPS device, and the oddest item…. Drum roll please…. You guessed it, a pregnancy test! Bahaha! I forgot I had gotten one when I went to my last trial appointment, and I never took it out! I guess I’ll keep it in there for emergencies when I suddenly have an urge to pee on a stick. ;-)

I also wanted to share a video. I can't post it directly on here, so I'll put the link. I was introduced to this video on my infertility grief support group, and I'd like to share it with anyone who is interested in seeing what it feels like to face infertility first hand. The emotions are almost to a T what I feel every day. Here it is: Tears & Hope Empty Arms Video

Saturday, December 10, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge

Today, I read on a fellow blogger's post about a 30 day challenge that has to do with both getting to know me and about our battle with infertility. I thought it was a great opportunity, so I'm going to try it. I might miss a day or two, but I'll just do it on my own pace (doubtful I'll make it in 30 days! lol). So here it goes... Day 1... 

Day 1 - What is the meaning behind your blog name?
When I first decided to blog, I was almost at a year of trying without success. I needed an outlet to express the ups and downs of PCOS and infertility. I’m not really sure how, but it just popped in my head and has stuck ever since. Sometimes I wonder if I’ll change it when I do get pregnant. I guess we’ll figure that out when we get there. ;-)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Here We Go....

Again! Today marks cycle day one, and I'm ready to get things going again. I've had a rough couple of weeks before this, so I'm eager to regain that hope once more. Every day I am praying for the strength and courage to keep on fighting this fight. I go back and forth so many times on how much hope I have. When I first started ovulating, I was on cloud nine just knowing it was going to happen. As we finished our fifth cycle with an egg, I was worried it might never happen even with an egg. Then, this last cycle without an egg really threw me for a loop. I am honestly scared to death I will never have a baby. I rarely have an egg, and when I do, it doesn't seem to meet with the sperm. I know it is not good to be a pessimistic, but it is so hard to remain hopeful. Even when everything is lined up perfectly, we still didn't get our baby. Now that things are not even close to being lined up, it seems damn near impossible. I know that I have to keep fighting because I'd never forgive myself if I gave up. I just wonder if all this hard work will ever pay off.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Making Amends

As much as I'd love to blame everything on everyone else (wouldn't we all?), I'm working on making amends with people. Somewhere along this road, I became a very hostile and angry person. I am trying so hard to remember the good in everyone. I read a quote today, "Even if you stumble, you're still moving forward." Every day I stumble a little more, but I hope it is in the right direction. I also read, "By changing nothing, nothing changes." I have to make change in my life- and that means in a positive way. Finally, "Getting over a painful experience is like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point to move forward." I don't want to let go of my dream of having a baby, but I have to let go of every time someone hurt me. I have to let go of the failed cycles and move onto the next ones. I have to let myself open up, heal, and move on. I've been telling myself I was healing, but in all reality, I was just covering up the pain temporarily. Thus, I am sorry to anyone I may have hurt or offended along the way. I know infertility is a part of me and always will be... but.... it is not me. I have infertility, but it does not have me. I am still a human being. A person with a huge heart willing to give love to those who are willing to accept it.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Acceptance & Change

It is taking some time, but slowly my heart is beginning to accept the inevitable. I am prepared to accept that there will likely be many more pregnancy announcements before I finally get pregnant. I may not like it, but people get pregnant... it's life. I have to remain focused on the things I can control in my life. Meanwhile, I'm having a real eye opener on who my true friends are. 

Unfortunately, I've learned that my online pals are more of friends than my "real life" friends most days. Since moving here, which is tremendously closer to friends and family than when we moved for my husband's work, I have had very few efforts on my friends' part to hang out. I get it... I talk a lot about my battles with infertility. However, I listen to them babble about the things consuming their lives whether it be work, school, or even the dreaded baby or pregnancy talk. I deleted Facebook, and it seems like everyone has forgotten I exist. I'm not trying to get a pity party- it's just really saddening to know that I have lost what few friends I thought I had. I guess I just have realized that I am in a limbo. My friends who aren't married aren't interested in hanging out with a married woman, and my married friends with kids don't want to hang out with the infertile woman. Then I think... I'm still going to be that infertile married person at heart even when I do get pregnant. 13 cycles (5 with ovulation) and 18 1/2 months down, and who knows how many more to go. A heart doesn't forget that. I am who I am, and I doubt this weary heart of mine will ever truly overcome infertility. If being a married infertile person means you don't want to be my friend, then I guess we might as well shut that door now.

Guess that song is true... You find out who your friends are. Thank goodness for my husband and sister to keep me going and remind me that they are the people in real life who will be by my side no matter what. They are my friends, and if that's all I got, I am more than happy to appreciate them. I am changing every day, but one thing will never change. I have faced the wrath of infertility, and I will always remember who didn't leave my side.

Monday, November 28, 2011


While I do plan on staying away from all the baby related stuff, I will likely offer up a weekly update on here. I don't want to fall completely off the face of the Earth. So here we go...This week I started my Provera as a result of not ovulating my last cycle with the medications. As soon as I start my new cycle, I'll be taking a double dose of the medications and hopefully will ovulate with the increased dosage. I will be doing ovulation tests and charting in hopes of catching a good egg. In the mean time, I intend on staying focused on other areas of my life. I've been doing well on my weight loss and hope to continue that as we trudge along into the next year. I am wrapping up the second half of my classes, and I'm doing great as always. That's one thing I can always count on... that and my amazing support system. My husband and sister are there for me through it all, and I cannot even begin to express how blessed I am to have them. I'm not exactly hopeful on our trying to conceive journey, but I am certainly with high hopes that I will continue to have all the love and support I need along the way. Until next time...

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Taking a Break

I plan on taking a break from blogging and Baby Center. I cannot fathom the idea that I will be the last person to get pregnant. Damn near every person I started out with has gotten pregnant, and those who aren't are getting close. I'm glad they are getting pregnant, but right now, it's just too much for me. Good luck to anyone who is still trying, and congrats to anyone with a precious bean.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Adult Content

You may have noticed I updated my profile with a warning for adult content. Why, you might ask? Oh, because I want to do this... FUCK THIS SHIT!!!! I am seriously so mad right now. The medicine officially is not working this cycle. I didn't ovulate. My temperature is low, and honestly, so are my hopes. This is one of those days where I want to tell everyone to fuck off and go hide in a hole. Instead, I sucked it up. I even faced the public going shopping. At the same time, I'm still in a shitty place. I didn't ovulate even with medicine.... even with medicine which has proven to work in the past. This clinical trial can suck the big one! I'm ready to throw in the towel. I want a baby desperately, but today, I feel like maybe I'm just not meant to be a mom. Maybe I'm just not meant to have that precious miracle. Maybe.... just maybe... fate fuckin' hates me!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Home Sweet Home

After nearly a week, I am finally home sweet home! I went on a vacation with some of the women from my husband's family (his grandma, mom, aunt, and cousin), and of course, I dragged Mama J along too. We went to Sin City and remained as sinless as it comes. My sister and I were hardly drinkers, and we barely put in $25 in... together! It was a pleasant experience going to the strip in Vegas, a bunch of sweet museums, the Grand Canyon, and Hoover Dam. 

Quite frankly it was exactly what I needed. Not once since we started trying to have a baby have I really let it all go. I had very few thoughts about it, and I was pleasantly calm about it all. I had some rough experience with ovulating late, and I thought for sure I'd be focusing on it as normal. Even now, as I sit at home, I am pleasantly reminded of how cool it feels to just be okay with whatever happens. I'm in what I believe is the two week wait (believing since I didn't confirm ovulation), and I am feeling quite confident that everything will be okay. I have been a tad moody, but other than that, I don't really feel all the terrible things that normally come at this point. I am happy to say I am just going with the flow and enjoying this lull time in my cycle.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Just My Luck...

It's my pity party, and I'll cry if I want to. Yes, that should be my slogan. I've done really well without crying especially considering the medicines make me extremely emotional. I managed to go through the entire first day of our 19th month of trying without crying. It seems like the 15th of every month just hurts my heart, as it marks another month gone without success. Yesterday, I wish I could say the same. Some days it is just too much, and yesterday was one of those days. In addition to that, I am really worried about my appointment tomorrow. 

Before I can explain my frustrations, I need to give a little background information. After a woman ovulates, the follicle that released the egg is called a corpus luteum. It starts releasing progesterone which helps build up a nice and cushy uterine lining among other things. About seven days after the egg releases, the progesterone level peaks. It slowly begins to decline, and a week later, your period comes. If you are pregnant, it will maintain a higher level and continue to produce progesterone to support the pregnancy. The 14 days (approximately- mine is 16-18 days on medicated cycles) between ovulation and a period is called a luteal phase. Hence, the mid-luteal appointment I am going to tomorrow should be around 7 days after ovulation has occurred. Well... today or tomorrow is the day of ovulation.

This leads to my frustration. They base whether I ovulated or not on the progesterone and ultrasound. It is really hard to determine if ovulation has occurred through an ultrasound, and the progesterone level is not going to be nearly as high as it should be to indicate ovulation since I will have literally just ovulated. My biggest fear is that they will base their assumption of ovulation on this, and I'll be stuck trying to prove to them that I ovulated. Of course, it would be the cycle that I picked to take off of temping that I would have this happen. 

So here I sit. More stressed than I should be, and the whole point of me taking this month off was to be calm. Oh well... I guess that's just my luck. You have to take what you can get and just deal with it. Here's to hoping that I get my positive test this cycle, and I won't even have to deal with their crap! Oh.... Here's to hoping!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Story Time

Tuesday marks the end of another month, and we will be starting our 19th month of trying to have a baby. Then, the next day will mark 3 years since my husband proposed and asked me to be his wife. When I mentioned to him that it was coming up, he smirked and of course, the story of our proposal came up. He loves to pick on me with this one saying I was nosy. I always assure him, I already knew, so there was no point in being snoopy. In light of trying to keep things upbeat especially as we embark the second half of our second year trying, I will share our story. :-)

It was the first big snow of the year. We had some flurries before, but this was the first time it was coming down hard and wasn't melting away as it hit the ground. Now, I need to add some details before this blustery day came about. A couple weeks before, he decided he was going to go up north to see friends without me, and this of course, was my first sign. Then, I'm not kidding, while he was up there, he texted me asking what size ring I wore. If that doesn't give it away, I don't know what does. Of course, I was thrilled by what might come, and I was anxious that as the holidays were approaching, he might ask me. After all, knowing there's a ring doesn't mean we're engaged yet!

Back to that cold, snowy day. We were driving back from a nice dinner, and I decided to be a smarty pants. He absolutely hates when I play with his glove box, and being the turd I am, I decided to flip it open to annoy him. Much to my surprise, I see a Zales bag in there! I slammed it shut and just looked at him like oh my gosh I'm so sorry! He said, well you might as well open it up. I said I didn't want to, as I was still in shock of what I had just found. He whipped it open and threw the bag at me. Here's the kicker, there was no ring in there. It was in fact the pick up ticket for the special order. He said they had called him to say it was in, so we were driving up there to get it. 

At this time, I felt terrible- I had ruined (so I thought) the proposal! We passed our exit and continued to trudge along in the first snow watching people spin out and get stuck. I suggested we just go back, and he said no, we're getting it tonight. It was a long, quiet ride as we went along. We talked a little bit, but I just kept apologizing for ruining the moment. We finally made it up to the mall, and it hit me. We were sitting in the same parking lot we would meet in for our dates. He told me to wait there as he went in for it. I was sitting there reminiscing over the times we had met there and all the sweet moments we had shared. All of the sudden, and yes, I am totally serious here, our song came on the radio. As it eased into the chorus, "Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you, over again...." he joins me in the car. He opens the the box, and right there, as our song was playing in our favorite meeting spot, he asked me to be his wife. Immediately, I broke into tears saying yes. 

The point of this story is to say we have been through it all. We have had moments where things seemed to be going every way but the right way, but in the end, it was perfect. Sometimes I have to remember that even though we are facing hard times and things aren't going the way I want them to, we are on our way to where we should be. Every failed cycle is a new beginning, and one day, I will be sitting there holding a baby in my arms with my husband by my side knowing this was all worth it and exactly the right time.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Random Thoughts

Today I decided is a perfect opportunity to lay it all out there. Whatever is going through my head, I'm going to write it. In normal conversations, I express my opinions with tact and respect. With this blog post, you can just throw that tact out the window, and if you're easily offended, please look away. 

My first thought of the day was how am I ever going to handle another pregnancy announcement? With so many in recent months, I honestly can't imagine how I will respond to the next one. Yay for your pregnancy, but here I am, still infertile and without. It's not that other people being pregnant that makes me upset; it's that I'm not. If I were pregnant or in fact already had the baby given the amount of time I've been trying, I'd say good for you. Instead, I'm sitting here going WTF?! When is it my turn?

I reflect back to when I was in high school and first told having a baby would be a challenge. This is exactly what I feared. I put up that wall and told myself I didn't want a baby for this reason. Here I am, acknowledging by all means that I want a baby- I want it desperately. Now, I just have to face the fact that I knew this was coming. I knew that life was going to be hell if I wanted to fight this fight. 

And today, I am fighting this fight. Tact free and disrespectfully honest- I am fighting this fight!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Today I woke up on my own- no blasting alarm. Even with not going to work, I was waking up to an alarm at 8 am every day. Most times I would go back to sleep, but I had that alarm every morning. Today, like every day this week, I woke up on my own. I have shunned the alarm because with that alarm came taking my temperature. I've done away with the thermometer because I can't handle the stress that comes with it. In fact, I've done away with all of my trying to conceive crazy antics. I am not taking my temperature. I'm not taking ovulation tests. I'm not monitoring all those nitty gritty details. We are doing one thing- having sex. Yep, we're doing it the old fashioned way this time. I know when my fertile time is, so we're just bumping uglies until we can bump no more. ;-) In doing all this, I feel calm. I feel like this is what I needed. I know I am ovulating, and I'll have my doctor's appointment to prove it. Why go through all the stress of it when I don't have to? I got up on my own, did my fertility restoring yoga, and I did my homework. I was so calm that I didn't even stress for my first test of these classes- and whadya know, I got a 95% on it?!

Now, I am not saying I regret temping, and I'm certainly not saying I won't go back to it. In fact, I will probably do it again the cycle after we are done with treatments because I won't know the date when I ovulate. However, the one thing that these meds do is keep my cycle down to a T. I don't need a temperature rise or pee stick to tell me because I can read my body well enough. All the temping and testing did was stress me out. Here's to hoping that I can remain calm, enjoy the crazy amount of sex we'll be having, and have a good cycle. As they say at the end of my yoga... Namaste!

Monday, November 7, 2011


Well... I anticipated it. In fact, I really thought it would be a miracle if it was any other way than this. Our new insurance doesn't cover any fertility treatments, and we are stuck paying everything out of pocket if this trial doesn't work out. Figures that just another thing doesn't go our way. Today is a day of whys. Why did I get stuck with this stupid PCOS? Why can't we get pregnant like everyone else does? Why can't the insurance cover the one thing we need it for? Why is life so damn unfair!?!?!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Colors of Infertility

The Colors of Infertility

With each cycle, we face the deep red,
the color we inevitably have learned to dread. 

As can be expected with the cycle anew,
another lost chance, to feel so blue.

A new sign of hope as we see the light,
That bright yellow comes with such delight.

The new opportunity gives us the go,
We fly through the green- no time to slow.

As we come to a halt we courageously wait,
The violet mystery  faltering our fate.

Deep in our thoughts, yet another week,
the indigo anticipations feeling so bleak.

Hoping to finally see a second line,
a single pink streak, no baby of mine.

The dark clouds begin to bring the fear,
the black is coming, the end is near.

Alas, we wait for our crimson prison,
our infertile colors once more are risen.

Author: Yours Truly 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

True Words

Every time I start writing a post I literally type out a few sentences and backspace. It usually takes me at least five tries before I settle with something. What I've noticed is that 9 times out of 10 it is because I am afraid of some kind of judgment in what I am writing. What started out as a genuine blog about a person trying to have a baby with PCOS is now being hindered by my fear of what others may feel. I want this blog to be completely genuine and showing the true misadventures of what it is like to face PCOS when you want a baby so desperately. Thus, I refuse to hold back my feelings any more. If someone is offended by my words or what I have to say, then so be it- Don't read it! This is the one place I can truly explain what it feels like to be infertile, and I have to let my true expressions out. Take it for what it is. If I feel bitter that day- I'm saying it. If I feel hopeful that day- I'm letting it out. If I just want to rant about whatever this misadventure has served up for me that day- I guess that's okay too. The point is- if you won't like what I have to say- please, I won't be offended- take a hike.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

You Must Not Quit

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh, 
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns, 
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow.
Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor's cup, 
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt, 
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.
- Author unknown

Monday, October 31, 2011


Today is one of those days where I really need to vent. I need to vent about all those little things that are seriously driving me insane. Really, I feel like I need padded walls to bang my head on right now! ;-) In all seriousness, I am having a horrible day. Aunt Flo made her grand entrance. There was complete miscommunication and poor organization with the trial resulting in some major nonsense this afternoon. Is all of this worth the pain, or would it be better to just save for a year and do it without all the freebie bull crap? To top it all off, I'm just really cranky in general. I am trying very hard to remain calm and have a good day, but days like this really are hard to do that. I don't want to vent it all because honestly, I hate the idea of publicly airing my dissatisfaction in life right now. Instead, I think a perfect end to this would be a glass of wine and some cookies! Yep, sounds good to me!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Just a Little Updatin'

This week I am a little anxious because the hubby will be out of town for his business trip. The good news is that I have the J Fam coming to keep me company! I simply love spending time with Mama J, and she truly is my support system. Without her guidance, support, and love, I'd probably have thrown in the towel. And that isn't just for the fight against PCOS. She has been there to remind me that I can do it no matter how hard the struggle or what mountain I'll climb. She's right there holding my hand telling me it is worth it. Another great thing is that I get my kid fix. My J boys are a wonderful blessing, and I get so excited to spend time with them. I see them learn and grow. I see the changes in them and how they've grown up just a little more every time. Then I remember that we all have that growth. No matter how old we get, we are constantly learning and growing as people. After all, old people aren't full of wisdom without having something to learn and grow from. So here's to a new chapter. A new mountain. A new lesson. I am so blessed to have my husband and an amazing support group, and I'm prepared to face whatever life has to offer because ready or not, every day is a new challenge to be taken!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


The other day I received some great advice. A friend who knows exactly what I'm going through and how it feels reminded me that while trying to have a baby is serious business, I cannot let it consume me. It is a part of my life- not my life entirely. 

I have to remember there are other things to enjoy. In example, today I had a great day just being a wife. I went and did a massive grocery shopping with a list in hand for all the ingredients we need. Yes, we laid out a menu of things we want for the next week, so I could prepare for them. Tonight I made yummy chili and cornbread muffins. Yesterday I made stuffed chicken breasts, buttery noodles, and super easy peanut butter cookies. I wouldn't call myself a chef, but I am enjoying this cooking. When I'm not cooking, cleaning, or doing homework, I try very hard to keep myself occupied. I've started back up with my exercise taking walks and doing yoga, and later when the husband is occupying the TV, I either read or work on my fleece blankets. The exercise seems to be paying off too since I've lost 5 pounds again.

I have learned that life can be enjoyable. I can truly be happy being a wife. Obviously being a mom is something I still desire, but being a wife is certainly something I shouldn't take for granted. To leave off, I'll give you my cookie recipe which really I found online somewhere. Be warned they are super peanut-buttery! :-) 

1 cup peanut butter
1 cup sugar
1 tbsp vanilla
1 egg

Mix it up, put them on the greased pan (it makes 1 dozen- perfect for us!), and bake for 10-12 minutes. I opted to put the hash marks with the fork, but in doing so they were kind of crispy. I imagine if I would have left them as the ball shape, they would have been a little softer as the original recipe suggested. Happy Cooking!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Hormonal Anyone?

Woah! Can anyone say hormonal? Yeah, that's me! I read that last post, and holy hormones, batman. ;-) I know that these fertility treatments can take a toll on me, but I really think I need to stop letting it get the best of me. Today I'm actually in a good mood, and I'm going to make it my goal to keep it that way. I have to go do laundry, so pray I don't experience any crazies that will throw this positive attitude thing out the window. lol On another note, things really are going well in my life. I am passing my classes with flying colors. My wonderful husband has been pleasant enough to not take any of my rude and hormone-fueled comments to heart. We are looking at houses to buy although we plan on waiting awhile since we are locked in this lease. It's still fun to look! I'm thinking I need to just take a chill pill and enjoy what life has to offer. Baby or no baby, this is life. It is only as good as I let it be.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

When Exactly...

Did I become such a hostile and angry person? I can remember the feeling of happiness. Yes, it has been awhile, but I do remember how it feels. You know, that feeling where you just can't stop smiling, and life just seems to be going exactly how it should be. I'm pretty sure I haven't felt that feeling in far too long. Even on days when everything is going right, there is a void in my life. I love my husband so much, and I feel terrible that I am not the person he married. I am not that happy go lucky person who found the positive in life even when there was more negative to go around. Now, I'm just a pessimistic asshole who can't seem to accept the barren womb inside her. I seem to have this short fuse that is fueled by hormones. I am so fucking tired of it. I'm tired of feeling like a horrible wife. Even worse I'm tired of feeling like a horrible person in general. All those special moments for others are hindered by my jealousy and rage. I can't help but think there is something wrong with me beyond these ugly ovaries of mine. Would I really be that happy person again if I had a baby? Some days I wonder... and honestly, the longer we wait, the less I think I will ever go back to the person I was.

Friday, October 21, 2011

If Life Had a Remote

If life had a remote, oh what a happy person I would be.

Pause: Those moments where you see just how beautiful life is, and you want to soak it up for just a couple more seconds.

Stop: When you can't seem to figure out where you are going, and you need to take a break to figure things out.

Fast Forward: All those times when you understand the importance of something but just need it to be done already.

Record: All those special times that are worthy of experiencing another time.

Mute: Of all the buttons, this is the one I wish it had the most now. To opt not to listen to the things that drive me nuts and make me a person I don't want to be.

Going Down....

The number of cysts that is. Today at my mid-luteal appointment they did another ultrasound. My cysts were 55 and 80 the last time I had one just three weeks ago. Today I had 43 and 54. Not too bad considering where I'm coming from. Here's to hoping they were nice enough to make some room for a good follicle to release a plump and mature egg. We can only hope!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

S Is For Strength

Strength: the quality or state of being strong : capacity for exertion or endurance.

No matter the amount of perseverance, optimism, or courage I have, I must have strength. I have to be strong for myself and my family. I must exert my every efforts and remember that being weak is no longer an option. I will conquer this misadventure of PCOS. I HAVE TO!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

O Is For Optimism

Optimism: a disposition or tendency to look on the more favorable side of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome.

Misadventure it may be, but PCOS will never stand in the way of  my disposition to believe that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I will not fail to remember I can and will beat this.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

C Is For Courage

Courage: the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.

Every day is battle in this misadventure, and courage is a necessity. I will face the pain and difficulties that are in my path, and I will courageously move forward. Mind over matter with my prized possession in sight. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

P Is For Perseverance

Perseverance: steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.

In this misadventure of PCOS, I have to remember to be steady as I take on this fight. No amount of struggles or obstacles will stand in the way of my end goal. No matter how discouraged I may feel, every day is an opportunity to persevere and work towards what I want in this life. PCOS will stand no chance as an obstacle when I persevere in my course of action.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Today means a lot of things. Today I am reminded that this battle is going to be a long one. We are starting our 18th month of trying to have a baby today. I lit a candle for Infant and Pregnancy Loss Remembrance, but it signifies so much. I remember the beautiful J Angel I said hello and goodbye to all in the same day. You were an absolutely beautiful angel, and I will forever remember the blessing you were even if for such a brief time. I remember my lovely sister Mama J and her family as they remember you today and every day. I remember the lost angels that I face every month. Every lost opportunity for pregnancy is a loss for me. So today, I remember. 

I remember the angels who guide and protect us.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Side Effects

One of the most recent things I've encountered is that nothing tastes good to me. Literally, nothing at all is appealing. One of the only things I can stomach without gagging is Pepsi. Not exactly good for me either. I tried eating pork for lunch, and I barely ate half of one without yacking it up. I'm pretty sure this is another side effect of the meds. Some other side effects are extreme body aches, headaches, dizziness, upset stomach and mood swings. I'm really thinking I am taking Femara based on my previous experience with Clomid. With Clomid, the worst part was hot flashes and vomiting. I haven't had any hot flashes *yet* and only had vomiting twice this cycle.

I feel like one of those commercials where they rattle on about the possible side effects and to seek immediate help if it worsens or persists.... yeah, I'm a walking commercial! lol Aside from these side effects, I'm doing okay. I just want this all to be done and over with. Honestly, I want it now more than ever. While I always wanted to get pregnant, I want it more now simply because I don't know how many more months of this I can do.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

It's My Pity Party...

And I'll cry if I want to! There are days when I have to cry it out. I close the windows. I close the shades. I close myself off from the world.  In this little pity party of mine, I take these moments to cry. I cry for the pain in my ovaries that never goes away. I cry for the weight that seems to pile on no matter how much I try. I cry for the hair that makes me feel more man than woman. Lastly, I cry for the baby that will never be. On those days, let me be. Let me cry. Let my feelings pour out, and tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a better day. I will put on my game face, tweeze my chin hairs, work out instead of nomming on some cookies, and take some Tylenol. But today. Today is my day. It's my pity party, and I'll cry if I damn well want to!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Dear Baby

Dear baby,

It's been awhile since I've written you. Sometimes I have to remind myself that one day you will get to read this. That I will get to print out this blog and put it into your baby book. I have to remember that you will be here. One day. One day you will. You have to be!

Days like today are hard. I get up and face the world. I face the fear that I may be barren and without you for the rest of my life. I have that glimmer of hope every time I see a positive ovulation test or know the medicines have done their job. Then it all gets thrown away when a new cycle begins. Even in the middle of the cycle I cry thinking that it just isn't our time yet.

Baby, I just want to hold you. I want to kiss you. I want to spoil you rotten. I want you! Never a day goes by that I don't think of you and how complete you will make me feel. Baby, please bless me and come join me and daddy in this world. I love you so dearly, and I pray every day I will have the strength to fight one more day. I pray I will have the courage to fight this battle and finally beat the wrath of infertility. We can do this. Mommy, Daddy, and Baby fighting against nature and finally get to meet.

I love you baby. Whether you are here in my heart or in my arms, I love you!


Wednesday, October 5, 2011


We've all seen it. People comparing their developing pregnancy to the size of fruit. Well being the fruitless PCOS'er I am, I like to compare other things to fruit. In example, consider my ovary to be a blackberry. It's about the right size, and look at all those little round bumps on it. Well, we'll just call those my cysts. I swear the next time I see someone refer to their fetal development to a blueberry or grape, I'm going to bust out my blackberry analogy and show how I can be a little fruity too!

Monday, October 3, 2011

55 & 80...

Yep, you guessed it. That's how many cysts I have. That poor ultrasound tech was counting for what felt like forever. I hate the idea that my ovaries suck so bad that they have so many cysts on them. Then I think, um no wonder they weren't working right! I asked her if they were residual from the last time, and she said some were but many were new. I kidded with her and the research coordinator that I should really start playing the lotto or getting a prize for how many I have. You can tell they try to laugh with me, but really the humor is just a mask for my disappointment.

I was able to start the study medication this weekend, and let's just say I feel like a menopausal woman PMSing! On top of still having that darn ear infection, I am blessed with some major symptoms. I get to write it all down on the research form which has been a struggle in differentiating between the medication symptoms and ear infection, but some things I've experienced *TMI* include diarrhea, headache, mood swings, and extreme emotions. The best way I can describe it for the last one is that I feel like crying all day. Literally, no reason or triggers- just want to cry it out all day long. I wonder how much water weight I am losing when I cry so much? ;-) No matter how much this sucks, I have to keep my eyes on the prize. I mean it is making my poly-cystic dysfunctional ovaries do what they're supposed to, so it's worth it!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Get Ready Folks...

I have my baseline appointment scheduled for Friday, and let's just say I am seriously excited! It's funny as I go back and read my past blogs. As I think about the ups and downs of this misadventure and where it has taken me. I went from not having a period at all to now having it induced two times making it come three times in the time I normally went without one at all. When it comes down to it, I'm so ready for it. I'm ready for the side effects, daily logs, taking tons and tons of ovulation and pregnancy tests, getting ultrasounds all the time... I'm ready. As we get closer to our opportunity of getting pregnant, I still wonder what I will do if I finally get to see those two lines. I imagine that my missing posts will be a warning sign. I also imagine that if I randomly switch gears to talk about something other than the treatments, I might warrant some suspicions as well. Every time I do medicated cycles I question where to go from there. I know that every person who reads this is probably supportive, but as Mama J says- are some people supportive and there for you or just being nosy?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Welcomed Visitor

It's not often I can say this, but I finally welcomed Aunt Flo today! :-) This means that within five days, I will have my next appointment and get to start treatments again! YAY! Today I stocked up on lots of feminine products, and as many of us PCOS'ers or even just those trying to conceive know, we pray it is the last time we have to buy any for awhile. I also am on my favorite antibiotic. A favorite you ask? Oh, well it's my favorite because it always works for me. Here's to hoping that in the next few days I will be starting Mystery Drug, feeling better for my ears, and getting things ready for some baby making! 

Monday, September 26, 2011

Sick and Tired...

Of being sick and tired. I have been battling a double ear infection and what appears to be bronchitis for over a week now. I am prone to ear infections, so once our insurance kicks in, I plan on going to an ENT doctor. The last thing I need is to be deaf by forty! Meanwhile, I had my last day at work which has been nice considering I feel like a train wreck. At the same time, I feel like a worthless turd because I haven't done much around the house. I can say I did my homework which is more than I wanted to do. 

This week hopefully Aunt Flo will show, so we can get this thing going. I am anticipating it to be tomorrow afternoon. I kept thinking it would be today, but when I looked at the calendar, I realized I was a day ahead based on last time I took Provera. Then it is finally Mystery Drug time! As we ease closer, I am getting that much more excited! I can't wait to finally get my first round started. I feel like this is exactly where we are supposed to be.

And a quote that makes sense of it all....
♥ You may not end up where you thought you'd be, but you always end up where you're meant to be. ♥

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Alright, this is one of those posts where I'm happy, sad, and just a little bit disappointed. Today I got a positive OPK. That should be fantastic news considering a) it's cycle day 16 which is earlier by 2 days and b) I have a bajillion cysts they swore would keep me from ovulating. Here's the sad part- I'm taking Provera, and it pretty much throws my egg down the tube. The disappointment comes in because this is the second time I've had an egg, and my doctor won't see the fact that it wasn't just the rebound effect. Yes, it might have been the first cycle, but I really think that after 3 times, it's more than that. Now I've wasted two eggs, and it's really bothering me that those could have been the lucky one! 

I am reminded that even with this beautiful ovulation test that will essentially mean nothing, I am doing it on my own. Of course, there's no confirmation considering I didn't do my temping this cycle, but I'm going to go out on a limb here and say I know what my body is doing. If I didn't, I wouldn't have the sudden urge to pee on sticks to confirm my suspicions. I guess as Mama J says... this is a good thing. It means that I'm ovulating on my own, and that the meds will just be that extra boost we need. Now here's to hoping it's not too much of a boost, and we get just one healthy egg. :-)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I'm So Thankful For....

The beloved "hide" option for my FB news feed. *Adult language alert* Two more people on my friends list just announced they are pregnant, and let's just say I cannot handle it. I also can't be a big enough asshole to just delete them, so I improvise and hide them. I'm sorry, but I just can't do it. Congrats whether it is accidental or planned, but I personally cannot face the fact that these women are pregnant and I'm not. It would be different if I knew these people knew my struggles (which there are two pregnant people who are currently not blocked for that reason), but most pregnant women just don't get it. Don't complain about your hormones, back pain, possibility of having twins, etc. I don't want to f*cking hear about it! And if I had the balls to do it, you'd be off my damn friends list simply for the fact that you should be celebrating these symptoms not bitching about them. 

As you can tell, infertility has gotten the best of me yet again. I am at my wits end. I should be so happy right now. I should be excited about starting treatments again. I should be eager to get this ball rolling with the possibility of getting pregnant within reach once more. Instead, I'm sitting here jealous of these inconsiderate bitches who fail to see the blessings they have.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Good Laugh Hitting Home

Even though not getting pregnant is very serious, I have to find humor in life. In turn, I have found the following videos that make me laugh. In the end, I know that I am not alone in this battle.

My favorite line is, "And my cervical mucus is as thick as peanut butter," as the husband eats peanut butter and gets grossed out. All too familiar reaction.