Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Day 5

List 15 facts about yourself.

1. I am a wife to an amazing husband.
2. I have PCOS.
3. I have been trying to have a baby with my husband since we got married in May 2010.
4. I am currently in a clinical trial to hopefully get pregnant.
5. I have a super supportive family in everything I do.
6. I am shy at first, but a big chatter box once I open up.
7. I take pride in my grades being on the President’s list a majority of the semesters in school.
8. I have a weakness for chocolate and cookies.
9. I enjoy spending nights curled up with my husband watching tv.
10. I love being an aunt!
11. I can’t wait to buy a house.
12. I am an emotional person, so I take a lot of things to heart.
13. I hate clothes shopping, but I’ll go shopping for tennis shoes or crafts any day.
14. I am a simple girl… meat & potatoes, jeans & tee kind of gal.
15. I am me! :-)

1 comment:

  1. 1. I have PCOS (duh)
    2. I have issues with anxiety.
    3. I spend the most time in the grocery store smelling the soaps and detergants b/c the right smell for me or my clothes is very important to me.
    4. I love interior decorating.
    5. I love wedding coordinating.
    6. I love animals.
    7. If I could I would wear jeans everyday.
    8. I stuttered when I get frustrated or flustered.
    9. I where my heart on my sleeve. You will always know what kind of mood I'm in by the look on my face.
    10. My nickname is Sarahbella.
    11. My parents house never stopped feeling like home to me.
    12. I have three weenie dogs.
    13. I prefer perfume over jewelry.
    14. I am an only child.
    15. Being around a bunch of people in a social situation makes me nervous.
