Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I'm So Thankful For....

The beloved "hide" option for my FB news feed. *Adult language alert* Two more people on my friends list just announced they are pregnant, and let's just say I cannot handle it. I also can't be a big enough asshole to just delete them, so I improvise and hide them. I'm sorry, but I just can't do it. Congrats whether it is accidental or planned, but I personally cannot face the fact that these women are pregnant and I'm not. It would be different if I knew these people knew my struggles (which there are two pregnant people who are currently not blocked for that reason), but most pregnant women just don't get it. Don't complain about your hormones, back pain, possibility of having twins, etc. I don't want to f*cking hear about it! And if I had the balls to do it, you'd be off my damn friends list simply for the fact that you should be celebrating these symptoms not bitching about them. 

As you can tell, infertility has gotten the best of me yet again. I am at my wits end. I should be so happy right now. I should be excited about starting treatments again. I should be eager to get this ball rolling with the possibility of getting pregnant within reach once more. Instead, I'm sitting here jealous of these inconsiderate bitches who fail to see the blessings they have.


  1. You don't know what you have until you don't have it anymore. I personally think women would appreciate their pregnancies a hundred times more if they were made to have to fight for them like we do. I'm not talking about a year of timed sex. I'm talking about years of tracking ovulation, medication, and let down after let down after let down.

  2. Don't add "feeling bad about being jealous" to the list. BE JEALOUS. Let it happen. Let it flow, then don't think about it anymore. You'll be fine. They'll be fine.

    Your baby is going to be one of the luckiest little stinkers in the world. Hold on to knowing that you're going to be 100x the moms they will ever be. You ARE 100x the mom they will ever be.
