Thursday, September 22, 2011


Alright, this is one of those posts where I'm happy, sad, and just a little bit disappointed. Today I got a positive OPK. That should be fantastic news considering a) it's cycle day 16 which is earlier by 2 days and b) I have a bajillion cysts they swore would keep me from ovulating. Here's the sad part- I'm taking Provera, and it pretty much throws my egg down the tube. The disappointment comes in because this is the second time I've had an egg, and my doctor won't see the fact that it wasn't just the rebound effect. Yes, it might have been the first cycle, but I really think that after 3 times, it's more than that. Now I've wasted two eggs, and it's really bothering me that those could have been the lucky one! 

I am reminded that even with this beautiful ovulation test that will essentially mean nothing, I am doing it on my own. Of course, there's no confirmation considering I didn't do my temping this cycle, but I'm going to go out on a limb here and say I know what my body is doing. If I didn't, I wouldn't have the sudden urge to pee on sticks to confirm my suspicions. I guess as Mama J says... this is a good thing. It means that I'm ovulating on my own, and that the meds will just be that extra boost we need. Now here's to hoping it's not too much of a boost, and we get just one healthy egg. :-)


  1. This is for the greater good girl. My doctor said that if I got pregnant before or while taking Provera that it wouldn't hurt the pregnancy b/c it's just extra progesterone. So I would try anyway.

  2. Yes & No. Some doctors tell you that you can take Provera during pregnancy, but it gets more complex. It's when you stop taking it that it gets messy because the withdrawal from it causes Aunt Flo, or in this case a miscarriage. There are times when people will stop Provera, not get their period, and realize they are pregnant. However, those women are lucky. If I were to get a positive pregnancy test while on Provera, I would need to be highly monitored and switch to Prometrium immediately. Not to mention there is a greater risk for birth defects. See the last section on this website:

    There obviously are mixed reviews, but I'd rather be safe than sorry and not DTD while on Provera simply because of the possible risks. After the last time, I have really tried to do my research. :-)

  3. when it rains... it pours. When there's one... there's more. It'll come :)

  4. Thanks Tracie... you make me smile! I love how supportive you are. It's rare, and I just want you to know- I appreciate you, your support, and our friendship!
