Friday, April 29, 2011

Next Best Thing

Of all the things I could be excited about, I never thought that starting my period would be on the top of the list. As disappointing as it is to think I missed the egg, just knowing I ovulated has been an amazing feeling. If I don't get pregnant, starting my period is certainly the next best thing! I haven't had Aunt Flo without Provera since May of last year. It wasn't on my own since I had the help of Clomid, but it feels so great knowing a little egg made its way out of one of my quirky ovaries. Next step is doing it like bunnies next cycle, so we can finally get these champions to meet each other. In the famous words of Tracie... c'mon ovaries, drop 'em like it's hot. And yes, I promise Tracie, you will be getting an honorable mention in the baby book!

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