Monday, May 9, 2011

Finally over!

Well, the worst day of the year is finally over. I spent the night at Mama J's Saturday night and came home to my husband on Sunday morning. We went out to brunch, and he told me Happy Mother's Day. This is a huge step since he has always said that even people who are pregnant aren't "moms" yet. He smiled and said don't worry honey, next year we'll have our baby. I came home, finished up some homework, and then took some Tylenol PM to sleep my pain away. I had a headache, but it mostly helped me as I mended my broken heart. 

I've always been one that thought in some way there has to be something good to come out of this. I have learned that as we struggle with infertility, I am growing stronger. I have learned to pick my battles, enjoy my husband, and live life to the fullest. The most important lesson- to cherish my children. I talk to me eggs every night, and I remind them that even if they haven't met daddy's half, we will always love them.

I have been feeling very confident in light of ovulating. I just have this feeling that what I once thought was an unattainable goal is now slowly becoming within my reach. Below is a picture of my new tattoo... a new beginning. Good-bye infertility, hello future motherhood. <3

Seed of Life: Sign of Protection and Fertility

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