Sunday, January 15, 2012

Dear Baby,

Hi baby. It's me, Mom. It's been awhile again. Today has been a really hard day.  I'm missing you. It's amazing how much I can miss someone so much when I haven't even met you yet. 20 months today. That's how long we've been trying to bring you in this world. In some ways it seems so long. I could have had two pregnancies in that time. Not practical or wise, but quite possible. It feels like just yesterday that I married your Daddy, but when I think about how long I've been wanting you, that time suddenly seems like so much. Every day that passes without you here is a little bit deeper of a hole in my heart. Don't you worry though. I know you'll come, and my love for you will have that hole overflowing. I just have no patience. This Mommy is missing her baby, and there's nothing to do but wait. I love you, and one day I know I'll have you. I just know it!

Your Mommy!

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